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Special series

Opt for the series that interest you the most, apart from the regular articles and enjoy the feed!

Image by Robina Weermeijer

Brain series

In the 'Brain series, get to know all about the Human brain. As complicated as it may seem, or as difficult it is for the brain to know about itself, these series have an elaborative explanation on various topics related to the brain, in layman language, which will be understood and enjoyed by all!


Click on the brain icon to hop into the 'Brain series'.

Image by CDC

Superbug series

The major issue of modern times- Antimicrobial resistance elaborated in a way that will make you rethink multiple times before you plan to gulp in an antibiotic without prescription.


Click on the microbes icon to read more.

Image by Shubhro Jyoti Dey

The Science of Sanatan Dharma

If you believe in Science, these series will make you believe in Sanatan Dharma too, without any second thought.


Click on the icon to know more!

Image by Braňo

Molecular Mondays

I love mondays,unlike y'all! They're a reminder of having a whole week ahead of us with loads of opportunities and excitement.


Molecular mondays are series for the ones from Biological sciences, who are fascinated by the DNA. Click on the DNA icon to read more..

Image by Fusion Medical Animation

COVID-19 Series

As devastating as the global pandemic due to COVID-19 was, it is important to know facts about it instead of believing in rumours.


Click on the viral proteins above to debunk myths and know about science!

Rainbow Sprinkles

Colours of Biotechnology

If you like colours, I am sure you will like this Biotechnology based series.


Click on the sprinkles icon above to dive into the rainbow of Biotechnology colours!

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