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Life lessons for 2023, from 2022

If I’ve learnt anything till 2022, there are a lot of life lessons that I’ve learnt and mentioned in today’s article. I hope you all learn something from them.

Rollercoaster of life: I’ve learnt that we can never be ready for what life throws at us, every stage is different from the other and changes are like seasons, which are beyond our control. We can never be prepared mentally or physically for the entire year. You must have already heard that life is a rollercoaster. There will be amazingly happiest ups and awfully saddest downs, you won’t have constant ups or downs. Uncomfortable downs will lead to a transformed version of you. Make sure you believe in intentions and not resolutions, because intentions are what will win you all that you want, but resolutions will stress you out and make you more of a procrastinator. I also learnt that there is nothing such as ‘fate, stars or luck’, it’s all about ‘hard work, persistence and self belief’. If not today, you will achieve what you aim for tomorrow. All you need to do is keep going.

Problems exist because of solutions: I’ve learnt that every problem exists due to the presence of solutions. Without solutions, no problems exist, all we need to do is either look for them, or come up with them by ourselves. I learnt that I can go on working hard to achieve something and waiting on to attain it persistently, and I can be one more step closer from attaining it; whereas I can also feel being pushed away from something else I wish for. In such circumstances, I learnt to be grateful to getting closer and taking steps towards achieving the things I want, and to be smart enough and realize that I was put farther away from something because it simply wasn’t meant for me. Simply letting go is always better than holding on and hurting.

Living by myself authentically: I learnt that people and situations in our life are like seasons, we cannot keep them the same forever and they are bound to change. Bravely accepting the evident and moving on is the key to being happy. I learnt that being strong isn’t about showing how rough and tough you are physically, but healing without hurting others and being sanely whole yourself. If coronavirus can evolve and become stronger with every mutation, so can you. People will always have to comment on you, but remember that empty vessels make the most noise and keep going by your terms and conditions without anybody's validations. I also learnt saying yes to the things that light up the joy in me, and goodbye to the things that mess with my mental state - to live authentically as I wish, instead of worrying about people and their thinking.

In short, I learnt that there are always 6 reasons why you should go for it:

  1. Life is short. You never know which moment is temporary or permanent.

  2. It’s all in or nothing. Living life over surviving. Always.

  3. Who cares what others think ? Because you glow differently when your self-confidence is fueled from believing in yourself and not from validation or certificates of appreciation from others.

  4. You are stronger enough to do hard things. You don’t know your strength unless you’re not faced with difficult situations.

  5. Doing what you love makes success more likely. You’ve to question yourselves - Are you moving towards what matters to you or moving towards what matters to others ?

  6. When we are brave, the universe rewards us with the best.

I also learnt to find the light of the star within the darkness as long as my eyes are fixed on the bright side despite the presence of darkness. And as one door seems to be closed, another door has already opened and has bountiful resources than what the closed door had to offer. I learnt that opportunities are like new years, the more opportunities end, the more are on your way, you can’t run out of it - one shot after the other making all the way around the sun, for 365 days that consist of 525600 minutes, withholding change for the best. All you’ve to do is accept what is gone and live for what is yet to come.

I wish you to learn these life lessons sooner than you know and have an amazing year ahead.

I hope 2023 is full of intentions and not just resolutions, and spark and shine.

Wishing you all a fantastic new year !!

Happiest 2023 :)

- Rachna Jadhav




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