Science behind Birthdays !
In this world, there’s a cause and effect of almost everything. Every detail matters and influences every element of matter. We constantly adjust our behavior to follow scientific guidelines – and we should do so. When we talk about birthdays, we often think about celebration, enjoyment, cake and food. But there’s much beyond that; there is science beyond it which is supported and proven by scientists. Birthday influence includes a handful of aspects, including temperatures and sunlight that the mother is exposed to. However, scientists have made plenty of discoveries regarding birthdays and babies immune system, behavior, cognitive skills, etc. As my sister’s birthday ignited a spark in me to write an article on the science behind birthdays, I dedicate this article to her on her birthday today. I hope it enlightens you with the scientific facts that are as good as cake (but without candles…Wait for the end of this article to know why)
Season of birth and influence on overall health:
Science has proven the patterns that connect your immune system’s strength and adaptability to the outer environment to your birthday. Seasons have a direct influence on the human body; and this isn’t only limited to humans, but also applicable in mice as per proven research. Winter and monsoon babies are less prone to catching cold and cough, owing to the cold and cough virus loaded environment which blesses them with a strong immune system. They are also creative and have a vivid imagination. Spring babies are optimistic due to the increased number of festivities worldwide during the spring season. Summer babies are often happier and bubbly as compared to babies born in other seasons; because they are born during the times of strongest sunshine, heat and light. Autumn babies being born during the time when nutrients from the plants reach the highest level, they are at lowest risk to develop diseases and also have vivid imagination, problem solving skills.
How birth month influences your mental health:
Mental health is a deeply studied science. And apparently, birth months say a lot about mental health. Researchers have investigated the risk of developing specific mental health issues to a child’s birth of a month. After monitoring over 29 million people, scientists reached this conclusion. The month of birth may increase or decrease the risk of developing mental health issues.
Connection between the day you were born and your career:
The day, month, and date of the week you were born can predict specific aspects of your life. Several studies conducted by scientists and psychologists worldwide have pointed out the fact that your birth date, week and month not only describes you as a person, but also your career choices and path. Your birth month also sets a tone for your education and is directly linked to your cognitive abilities. As bizarre as it may sound right now, there are unbeatable studies done to prove it. One major connection between the numbers of your birthday and you is Numerology. A divine or mystical relationship between a particular number and one or more coinciding events of your life. Numerology is a science that depends on the birthdate and the position of planets at the time of your birth. Various kinds of books, literature, etc. are available in every religion that correlates the career choices of a person from his/her birth date.
Every birthday is special, be it your own or your beloved ones. But now, with the scientific facts that you read above, your birthdays will become more significant. To conclude the article that is related to science behind birthdays, I have one more scientific (microbial) fact to share with you. A cake that has blown candles has 1400% more bacteria than a simple cake without candles. That is why I mentioned above that the scientific facts behind birthdays are as good as cake without candles !
Wishing you all a happy and healthy life with every year that gets added onto it after every birthday of yours !
PS: Here’s to my winter baby sis, vividly imaginative science sister Kirti Jadhav, who makes me prouder and makes me feel luckier to have her in my life. You have always inspired me in some or the other way, and a proof of it was this article. I love you. Happiest birthday !
- Rachna Jadhav
