Superbug series #3 - What are 'Superbugs' ?
After my 2nd article on the superbug series, I have been asked to write another article explaining what these superbugs actually are and why they are a threat to humans. As this request was made by people who do not belong to science, I have tried my best to write this article explaining superbugs in layman language. I hope you all get an idea of superbugs.
What are superbugs ?
Superbugs are microbes that have become resistant to most of the antibiotics available on Earth. They include the most common organisms responsible to cause several diseases everybody must have suffered from till date; including Typhoid, Urinary tract infections, Diarrhoea, Skin infections, etc. There are very few or almost no antibiotics available to treat infections caused by superbugs; and deaths due to bacterial infection include the infections caused by superbugs.
Why are they harmful ?
As mentioned above, most antibiotics are unable to treat bacterial infections caused by superbugs because of their ability to develop resistance against the antibiotic and that is the reason behind the deadly nature of superbugs. The death rate due to antimicrobial resistance by superbugs is ever rising every year.
How are humans responsible for it ?
Humans are the most intelligent yet most foolish species on the planet. Not only we humans are responsible for the increase in resistance of superbugs against broad spectrum antibiotics, but also the leading cause that the world is running out of antibiotics at the moment. Misuse of antibiotics, consuming wrong antibiotics for any infection you think they can treat, excessive use of antibiotics in humans as well as animal farming activities are few of the reasons we're on the verge of running out of antibiotics.
Why be scared to death ?
Most of the microorganisms have also gained resistance against the last resort antibiotic 'Colistin'. As the ecosystem is interlinked, people,animals, environment all have organisms that are resistant to colistin and if this continues, no antibiotic in the world can save humans from dying. Antimicrobial resistance against antibiotics is a global crisis.
How to overcome the crisis ?
Consult your physician no matter how educated you are to understand the pros and cons of consuming antibiotics or even if you know which antibiotic to consume when you have any kind of infection.
Although you have the prescription for consuming an antibiotic from your last prescription note from the doctor, consult him again to check if it is alright to consume the same antibiotic for the second time.
Be smart and buy antibiotic free meat to avoid feeding yourself the meat that has all the antibiotics in them that might be ineffective to kill the organisms that might harm you in future.
Spread awareness against the misuse or excessive use of antibiotics among your peers, family and other loved ones in order to make the world a safe place to live in without the fear of being killed by microbes.
- Rachna Jadhav
